Thursday 8 September 2016

When being pathetic is your hobby

Yes, that's right, I finally got my results and I passed! Very impressed, considering the amount of time I spent studying (close to none), but yet disappointed at the same time, because it was very easy and I could've gotten a much higher grade with a little more effort instead of procrastinating.

I can't remember exactly what's been going on around me recently because I spent most of the time in my room studying. And sleeping. I was very close to a mental breakdown or something similar to it, but then I went to a bar, had a beer and enjoyed the view of nature and handsome male nurses passing by in tight pants. I'm pathetic sometimes. 

So what's new/my recent hobbies and activities?
- been suffering from insomnia during the weekend because I was subconsciously nervous about my main exam I had on Tuesday
- almost cried for no reason
- only slept for 3 hours in two days before my exam
- got tipsy from only one beer (I disappoint myself)
- slept for 12 hours after the exam
- daydreaming about stuff I should be doing irl but I'm too lame
- trying to stay positive, even though I'm so close to failing the main exam it's scary
- calculating the number of pages I have to read per day until my next exam
- avoiding socialization with a certain someone I almost dislike, but not really

Writing this blog is an alternative to my Economics study session. Words cannot explain my hatred towards Economics. But ya know, it has to be done, like it or not, so I'm gonna hit the books after I finish this confusing post. I finish with all my exams next week and I cannot wait to be over with this because the struggle is real. Studying during summer is frustrating, especially for a lazy procrastinator like myself. Until then, I'm just gonna have to push the limits and study af in hopes I pass at least my main exam. 

Pray for me, k thx bye.

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