Saturday, 30 July 2016

Your new best friends when you start law school

Don't worry, you're still going to keep all your actual, or imaginary friends. I'm talking about essentials you'll most likely, if not urgently need during your precious law studies. Here are just some of my personal favorite law school essentials -  let's just jump right into it, shall we?!

Now, that wasn't obvious at all. But still, if you haven't thought of caffeine at once when I mentioned law school essentials, then I don't know... you might have problem.
Either it's coffee, cappuccino, frappuccino, crappuccino, green or black tea and who knows what else, I guarantee you, sooner or later - you're gonna need it. If you are a night owl and prefer to study at night, it's a must.
Also a quick tip - if you drink coffee every day out of your habit (like me), I recommend you completely stop or at least limit you caffeine intake during summer when you have no lectures, because you've probably built a tolerance. After giving your body a break from caffeine for some time, it will work much better in the beginning when you start drinking it again. It's hard, but it works for me (or maybe it's just a placebo effect, who knows).

No shit, Sherlock. There's not much to say. Not only your notes are gonna be pretty and colorful, it's also extremely helpful if you actually know how to highlight and at least try to color code your notes. DO NOT highlight everything, because this defeats it's purpose. Only highlight the most important things (I know, in law pretty much everything is important, he he...). I'm a visual type and I usually remember important information or Latin expressions by color. For example, my definitions are always marked yellow and rules orange. I usually mark important titles pink and important words/expressions green. That way I know immediately where everything is, as soon as I look at my notes. Just try it out and see what works best for you.

While I was writing this, I realized I really am a visual type. So, another tip from me... if you have trouble remembering cases, rules, definitions, Latin expressions or even your grocery shop list, go grab some sticky notes, write a rule or whatever you need to remember on one of the each note, then stick 'em around your apartment. I recommend places like your fridge (of course, hehe), your desk, computer, mirrors, maybe even a bottle of wine (credits to my roommate for this one), it has to be somewhere you often look at. Then let the magic do it's work. I personally don't even have to read it anymore, I remember by looking at it so often, then I just recall the picture when I need to remember the information. Smooth!

Before I went to law school I NEVER studied at the library, because my optimal study space was always my own room with some good music playing. No need to say, that changed. I have an older colleague who studies law too and he said my apartment is perf, because there's a library nearby. At that time I thought to myself I could never study there and I'm just not the kind of person to be at a public place for 10 straight hours.... WRONG! When you sit there and study, you might get a nervous breakdown or an urge to cry but as soon as you realize there's at least 100 other people around you, feeling exactly the same, it comforts you instantly and gives you some motivation. There's also a reason I never study at  the law library - too quiet! Now, everyone likes to study with no distractions, but there... you get the looks just by coughing or moving your chair closer to the desk. No, thanks, city library it is. (Also, headphones with some chillout or uplifting trance playing are very handy!).

Another reason I prefer studying at the library...

When you come home after a LONG day, possibly pissed off at everything and everyone around you, you might want to relax before you do anything responsible. A glass of wine, a beer, a shot of schnaps, scotch, whatever floats your boat. You aren't an alcoholic for having a drink once in a while, but don't exaggerate (my advice from personal experience), unless you don't have anything important to do the next day (don't forget, you need to "party" sometimes, too). And now, my ultimate tip for beating anxiety at class - if you're 100% sure you're getting called on the minute professor walks into the room, have a shot before you go to class, you'll be confident, able to speak fluently and have a nice rosy glow to your cheeks! (At your own risk, though *winks*)

I hope you do realize that my last tip was pretty much a joke, so... at your own risk, indeed, if you're brave enough *laughs loudly*

That's pretty much it for me. Of course you're gonna need books and money and more money and whatnot, but these are pretty much obvious. If you have the same favorite law school essentials like me - I love you! (maybe leave out the alcohol)

Me, in a nutshell...

Soooo... hello? Should I introduce myself first or... 
As you can probably tell from my blog's title, I'm a law student, not in love, maybe a bit crazy, but aren't we all? Sleeping, procrastinating and eating are my hobbies, being spontaneous and slightly stressed out are my ways of living, welcome to my life! 

It's July, almost August now and also vacation time so I figured starting a blog would be a great idea due to my exploding amount of free time I suddenly have. It's not gonna last (the free time thing), but as long as it's there, I will try and write down my random thoughts regarding my experience about being a law student, mostly in a comical way coz that's how I roll! Speaking of that, let's just dive in and make this first blog post a mess....

me, in a nutshell...

Since I started law school I quickly realized hanging out with friends and studying/preparing for lectures don't go well together, especially if you get a call at 8 or 9 in the evening (and your friends are even bigger alcoholics that you are). "I have to study" actually becomes a valid excuse (eff yea!), not just a phrase you used to say to your parents when they asked you to do the laundry. Needless to say, I gave in to the temptation of having a drink or two (or three, or ten, who knows) and then woke up the next day, 15 mins before my lecture, still drunk and unable to live but still managed to survive. Moral of the story - you can do it! (Encouraging words right here *winks*)

 Now is probably the right time I mention I usually prefer to stay in and chill (preferably with my cat), read a book or watch a movie and have a glass of wine than go out with a large group of people - that's why I love having an excuse about being a law student, so convenient! *high five to fellow introverts btw*

Introducing you my Qat real quick, ain't she pretty!!

Great, so from what you've read till now, you probably think I'm a lonely cat lady whose life is a mess and is an alcoholic. Well, you're probably right, but I'm also fun sometimes. 

The other day I (finally) watched The Paper Chase - highly recommend to every (future) law student. Very relatable! I don't know why it took me so long to watch it, but on the other hand, if I did watch it before I went to law school, I'd probably be even more terrified. Oh, the fear of being called on, never gets old. Talking about that, I do, in fact, have a great tip for beating stress and anxiety before you get called on (there's no escaping it), but I'll save it for some other time. As you can see, I love to remind myself about my terrible and/or embarrassing speeches at tutorials and seminars even during holiday... that's called devotion, my friend.

Conclusion: it feels good to write, sure hope I didn't scare you away (I'm really not that bad though).